==== tattY teddY's taLe ====

Monday, April 05, 2004

It's Hailing In Malaysia

Can you believe it, it actually hailed here early this evening?? And I thought that it only hails in other countries EXCEPT Malaysia!! Hhhm... Ok... That's seriously rare....

But yeah, it was at about 5.20pm or so over at Taman Mayang when it started raining really heavily... And hard. At first, my colleagues and I thought it was weird coz the rain were making funny noises as it hit the roof. Really sounded like someone was throwing small pebbles onto the roof. We just kept looking up onto the ceiling and looked at each other with a huge question mark above our heads. I mean, one would have never thought that it would ever hail in Malaysia, right. It was then only 10 minutes later, Mummy called and told me that the radio announced that it was hailing in Taman Mayang!

It was crazy! I peered out from the window and saw the extremely dark sky. It looked very windy out there, and the rain was just pouring like mad! And I could still hear the *tak* *tak* sound coming from the ceiling. I just felt like running out of the office and play with the hail!

Reminds me of those times when it hailed in Sheffield.. Gosh.. It was fun walking back home in the hail... And end up getting a headache. Hehehe..