*Tik* *Tak* *Tik* *Tak*
If you're wondering what sound is that, it's the sound of me playing with the abacus. ;) Long story... Oh, since I'm gonna write about both my Grandfathers, I shall call MG (maternal grandfather) and PG (paternal grandfather). After my PG passed away recently, my relatives have been eyeing on his abacus. Coincidently, Mummy went back to my MG's office in Pudu yesterday to visit the staff there, and she remembered that he used to keep an abacus too. Since the abacus is a very 'hot item' back in Segamat, so she asked for it. The clerk found it and handed the abacus to Mummy. I'm now keeping it in my room. Hehe...
If you asked why, coz I feel that the abacus is something very personal to me. One, it's something very precious to my MG. He had been using it practically his whole life, doing calculations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, division) for his business, expenses, anything that involves calculations. It's like his life depended on the abacus. So much of calculations that the rods were already loose. Two, my PG used to teach me how to use the abacus when I was very young. I remember going back to Segamat then, and I would see my PG sitting on the wooden chair, with the abacus on the wooden table in front of him, and he would go *tik tak tik tak* the beads, calculating something. And being a very curious person, I would sit by him, watching him do that. Once, I asked him what was he doing, he told me and taught me how to use it. Hehe.. Simple addition.. 1+2.. 8+9.. 27+34... Something like that..
So, having the abacus with me now, will always remind me of it being my MG's precious asset, and that it was my PG who taught me how to use it. ;) It's like, a memory of both of them. If I haven't had the abacus now, I wouldn't think that I would remember how to use it. Hehe... And so, last night, I was happily calculating away with the abacus. ;D I'm gonna treasure that forever!!