My Name
Got the meanings of "AMANDA" and "MANDY" from the Kabalarians site. Hehe.. I would say that Mandy's description fits me more... Hhm.. I wonder why.. Could it be the fact that my relatives and my babysitter used to call me that since I was born, and that my colleagues call me that too?
Let's analyze the descriptions...
* Appreciation for many beautiful and refined aspects of life--music and art, literature, drama ==> Very true, especially music
* Outdoors, where you find peace and relaxation ==> True, I like serenity
* You sense and feel much that you do not understand, and sometimes you are alarmed at your thoughts and wonder about their origin ==> Very true, I think too much and too deep
* Other times you are aloof and choose to remove yourself entirely from association ==> Yup, I prefer to stay away from the "crowd"
* Inability to express your inner thoughts ==> Very true, causing people to mis-interprete and misunderstand me most of the time
* Friendly, approachable and generous person ==> I hope so! ;)
* Good-natured, though at times you can be blunt and sarcastic ==> Hehe... Yes yes, unintentionally
* Naturally talkative ==> True, especially if you know me very well, I can *po peh po peh* non stop
* Sympathetic and generous to those in difficult or unfortunate circumstances ==> Yup, I often lend a listening ear, leaning shoulder and a helping hand to whoever needs it
* Artistic, creative abilities that you could express through music or singing, or in a practical way, through sewing or interior decorating ==> Very, very true! I can play the piano for hours! And oh no... Looks like I'm a proven "grandma" for my love on cross-stitching. All I need now is a rocking chair. Hehe..
* Emotion and feeling, the desire to be carefree, friendly and happy, are the driving forces in your being, rather than shrewdness, ambition and material success ==> Very true, especially in work. I'm not into chasing $$, but rather the experience that comes along in whatever I do. Even if I'm being paid very, very much lower than the average market value, I'm fine with that. As long as I'm happy doing whatever I'm doing, or it's my passion, that is all that matters. :)
* You could experience headaches, or problems with your teeth, ears, eyes, or sinuses ==> How true! I get occasional headaches, I've had braces, I have a slight hearing problem, I don't have perfect eye sight and I always have problems with my eyes, and I DO get sinuses almost everyday!
Hhm... So, the equation is....
3/4 of "AMANDA" + 3/4 of "MANDY" = ME!!! ;)
But of course, that's how I view myself. What do you think? Do the descriptions fit me?