==== tattY teddY's taLe ====

Thursday, October 14, 2004

How Bloody Rude!

Had a row with a certain colleague (Nins) sometime in the late afternoon. We had a discussion earlier in the day when she mentioned about standardizing all our software products. Will detail this out after this. But the main one was the afternoon case.

Another colleague, Labu was supposed to test my current software (a Time Attendance software, actually) and she was unsure about the settings for one of the features. I explained why I designed the settings outlook that way, but she still didn't quite understand, so she asked Nins to come over. Nins came, and strongly believed that it shouldn't look and work that way, and that it's very confusing. I told her that I had initially discussed it with my Supervisor and another colleague who maintains the hardware of the time clock. That was the best and easiest way to potray the settings. I explained to them again, but Nins kept interrupting and raised her voice. I didn't quite like the way she talks, but I remained patient with her. Somehow, she continued raising her voice. She demanded that it should look the way she thinks is right, and she kept interrupting when Labu was giving me her point of view. Throughout the whole conversation, my other colleagues knew that we were discussing something, and all they could hear was Nins' voice. Nins yelled at Labu a couple of times and told her to "SHUT UP!". I was like, "what the hell??!". If she had shouted once only, I would just pushed it aside. But she did that 2-3 times! I finally lost my cool and yelled back at her.. I raised my voice and told her that "You are damn bloody rude, you know! You don't like us raising our voices at you, don't do that in the first place! You don't like us interrupting your conversations, then you don't interrupt in ppl's conversation also!" I was just soooooo mad at that point of time, my colleagues were all shocked to suddenly hear me raised my voice! That was the only time they heard me throughout the whole conversation!

Gosh.. I was sooooo mad! What gives her the right to think that she can talk to us that way? She PMed me in AOL after that and said "Hope that you wont take heart on a small matter like this. I will use a different approach to talk with you. ...diff people take things diff ly ... i understand....". She even said I was being sensitive. What the f*ck! Come on, if I'm being sensitive, then the whole R&D staff are a sensitive lot! She raises her voice at anyone for no particular reason. She even does that to the QA Manager, hence every meeting they have together were never pleasant. She demands that everything work the way she want it to be. She even told other colleagues to shut up during meetings that consist of Sales ppl, other Managers, Head of Divisions and R&D ppl. I understand that she cares a lot for her staff and the company. She has a good heart. But don't you find it rude yourself? Everyone complains about the way she talks and approaches ppl, so am I the only one being sensitive about it? Hey, if she doesn't like us doing that to her, why the f*ck does she do it to us?! It's not like this is the first time she did that to us. It's also not the first time that we talked to her about it. But she still does it over and over again, and especially to her own staff. It's just too much already!

Back to the earlier issue in the morning, she wanted us to standardize all our future softwares' outlook. I understand, she was thinking for the company, that she wanted the softwares to potray unity in the company. But the problem is, we don't have the time to do that. She wants them to look like how Microsoft products look like - all so standardized. Come on, who wouldn't want their products to have the same look? Why do you compare our products with Microsoft? They probably have their own team just to do the whole GUI thing! Don't say products lah, even their presentations are all standardized because they're all given a template to use! How is it possible for us here? There are only 4 Software Engineers here, and we have to handle at least 50 softwares. We are already soooo multi-tasked that we have to do the work of a System Analyst, System Architect, Database Designer, Software Developer, plus all the ISO stuff that need us to write very detailed design specifications and document every single thing. That is for 1 f*cking software alone. We do at least 3-4 softwares simultaneously! Now we are to be a Graphic Designer as well?! Of course we want to potray unity. Of course we want to standardize our softwares. But we are soooo short-handed. Imagine, all our softwares are sooo complex. How to find time for all 4 of us to really sit down and discuss how our buttons should look like (the width and length, the font size, style and colour, etc). This is button alone, how about the rest like treeviews, panels, grids and all? And we're talking about using 3 different software platforms to write ours. Not like all the components provided in them are the same! It's possible, of course. But she expects us to understand her, why can't she make an effort to understand us as well? Do you think we don't care about the company's reputation and all? Why demand me to make the changes? Why can't she tell that to my Supervisor instead?

Gosh.. I'm just boiling inside..... I'm not trying to trash on her, really. Maybe I'm just being too honest and straight forward to tell her. I've tried sooooo hard to be patient. I don't often lose my temper like that especially in the office... Urgh.. I'm not proud of this, really.. It just irks me... Urgh...