==== tattY teddY's taLe ====

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Waterfall Methodology

If you're in the R&D or I.T. field, you've probably heard of what the Waterfall Methodology is. It's a development life cycle where each stage of the work must be completed before you proceed to the next stage. The design specification has to be reaaaaaaaally detailed and communication between customer-developer as well as among the development team itself MUST be there so that the final product will turn out exactly the way the customer wants it to be. But what happens if there's a lack of communication? It becomes like this...

Hehehe... How true this is... A funny approach of the Waterfall Methodology, as explained by a certain Software Architect..

"My mom used to practice the Waterfall method early in the morning b4 go to pasar. First, she will do a simple study, what to buy, what to cook, who will attend for the lunch and dinner. Then she'll do the questionnaire approach, ask me, ask brother and daddy. At pasar, she will use the observation approach, to see those aunties buy what for their dinner. Ok, then she will look back into budget, is it enough to buy that or need to walk back again. Then cooking stage lunch time, mom will do prototype approach, to test and see the result. If no good, then will try other. If all no good, she will go back to pasar again, and continue all over again. This repeats, if the pasar already closed, she will need to wait until tomorrow! Then will do the dinner. If dinner all no good, mom will throw all the food, the woks and bowls all over."

Hhhm... I shall go home and ask Mummy what method does she use.. Hehehe...